60th Anniversary of my Dad’s “Vast Wasteland Speech
On May 9, 1961, my father, Newton Minow, delivered a speech that continues to inspire the conversation about media and has even been an answer on Jeopardy!
I interviewed him about the speech for Emmy Magazine. LA Times columnist Michael Hiltzik interviewed him about media and the news.
He appeared on his favorite news program, the PBS Newshour, to talk to Judy Woodruff about television then and now.
NPR celebrates its 50th anniversary this week, and its official history gives my dad some of the credit. He also helped launch the first telecommunications satellite, helped get the original funding for “Sesame Street” and helped create the Presidential Debates, involved in every one going back to the original, Kennedy-Nixon, and designed the current bi-partisan commission, where he still serves as Vice Chair.
Today Dad was the Power Player of the Week on FOX with Chris Wallace.
In 1961, Dad was President Kennedy’s new Chairman of the FCC, just 35 years old, and in his first major address he told…